iOS chrome cast logo

Hi, in the latest Android Kaltura SDK, there is the possibility to set a logo URL, which shows on the receiving TV while the video is loading, instead of the “Kaltura open source video” logo. Is it possible to do this with the iOS SDK?

I have searched through the SDK but haven’t found anything, and am wondering if it’s a KPPlayerConfig configKey that I need to add?


ah, sorry, I’m using:

KalturaPlayerSDK 2.4.9
google-cast-sdk (


Please see:

Hi, thanks. It wasn’t the watermark i wanted to change, it was the loading screen.

Anyway, I found it in the android documentation, I just needed to set:

addConfigKey(“chromecast.logoUrl”, withValue: “link to image here”)

I see, sorry, I misunderstood you before.
This is indeed documented here:

and should perhaps be documented here as well:

This documentation is kept on our GitHub repo here:

You are more than welcome to submit a pull request:)