In the log kaltura_api_v3.log
file I am getting following error when I try to play or create Live stream:
xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx [0.000510] [xx.xx.xx.xx] [691119269] [API] [KalturaBaseService->isPermitted] ERR: exception 'Exception' with message 'Kaltura network is not allowed' in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:82
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/api_v3/lib/KalturaBaseService.php(181): KalturaLog::err('Kaltura network...')
#1 /opt/kaltura/app/api_v3/lib/KalturaBaseService.php(112): KalturaBaseService->isPermitted(false)
#2 /opt/kaltura/app/plugins/media/wowza/services/LiveConversionProfileService.php(16): KalturaBaseService->initService('wowza_liveconve...', 'liveConversionP...', 'serve')
#3 /opt/kaltura/app/api_v3/lib/KalturaActionReflector.php(251): LiveConversionProfileService->initService('wowza_liveconve...', 'liveConversionP...', 'serve')
#4 /opt/kaltura/app/api_v3/lib/KalturaDispatcher.php(111): KalturaActionReflector->initService()
#5 /opt/kaltura/app/api_v3/lib/KalturaFrontController.php(111): KalturaDispatcher->dispatch('wowza_liveConve...', 'serve', Array)
#6 /opt/kaltura/app/api_v3/web/index.php(20): KalturaFrontController->run()
#7 {main}
Now sometimes when i try to play the live stream from KMC I get Sorry, clip not found
, Media Not Found
and sometimes I get the loading icons instead.
Also in Wowza kaltura_mediaserver_error.log
i get below error:
[Timer-135][] ERROR - Failed to list entry [0_yv4r8p4f] cue-points: Failed to construct object - (
[Timer-137][] ERROR - no recorded entry id on live entry [0_yv4r8p4f] - (
[Timer-137][] ERROR - no recorded entry id on live entry [0_yv4r8p4f] after reloading - (
[Timer-141][] ERROR - Failed to list entry [0_yv4r8p4f] cue-points: Failed to construct object - (
[ServerHandler.63][com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLogger:log] WARN - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.handlePacket[kLive/_definst_/0_yv4r8p4f_1]: Timecode out of order [audio]: 2684354820000:2684354821315 - (
I have a Wowza trial version with limit for 3 incoming streams, and 10 outgoing streams.
When I stream 3 streams from FMLE using the KMC live stream xml file, FMLE starts streaming three different streams of different bit rate.
But in Wowza logs i see error as:
[Timer-93][] ERROR - no recorded entry id on live entry [0_yv4r8p4f] - (
[Timer-93][] ERROR - no recorded entry id on live entry [0_yv4r8p4f] after reloading - (
[Timer-97][] ERROR - Failed to list entry [0_yv4r8p4f] cue-points: Failed to construct object - (
[ServerHandler.99][com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLogger:log] WARN - Licensing[kLive/_definst_/0_yv4r8p4f_2]: *** Hit license limit for publishing streams. Publishing stream is stopped. *** - (
[ServerHandler.99][com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLogger:log] WARN - Licensing[kLive/_definst_/0_yv4r8p4f_3]: *** Hit license limit for publishing streams. Publishing stream is stopped. *** - (
[ServerHandler.13][com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLogger:log] WARN - Licensing[kLive/_definst_/0_yv4r8p4f_3]: *** Hit license limit for publishing streams. Publishing stream is stopped. *** - (
[ServerHandler.43][com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLogger:log] WARN - HTTPStreamerApplicationContextBase.init[kLive/_definst_]: Not licensed for HTTPOrigin mode: HTTPStreamerApplicationContextSanJoseStreamer - (
[ServerHandler.43][com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLogger:log] WARN - HTTPStreamerApplicationContextBase.init[kLive/_definst_]: Not licensed for HTTPOrigin mode: HTTPStreamerApplicationContextCupertinoStreamer - (
[ServerHandler.43][com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLogger:log] WARN - HTTPStreamerApplicationContextBase.init[kLive/_definst_]: Not licensed for HTTPOrigin mode: HTTPStreamerApplicationContextMPEGDashStreamer - (
[ServerHandler.43][com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLogger:log] WARN - HTTPStreamerApplicationContextBase.init[kLive/_definst_]: Not licensed for HTTPOrigin mode: HTTPStreamerApplicationContextSmoothStreamer - (
I have stream only one type of bitrate to overcome this issue.
Do we need Red5 also running in this case? I have stopped Red5 when i configured Wowza.
Can you please reply on this, I am trying to archive live streaming from very long time.