I need some help about installation Kaltura Server

I follow this document https://github.com/kaltura/media-server/blob/dev/Installation.md#prerequisites .
this is my log:

Wowza run in a win7 system computer,and kaltura server run in a centos computer. And i ignore the config about Multicast ,because wo not need .Is it necessary?
I am new about this
plz help me, thx!!!

sry i dont know why cant add the log in the body of text ,so i upload a pic .


The Wowza and media-server are only needed for Kaltura Live Streaming. Since we are now working on a better implementation that will use Nginx and mod_rtmp, we currently advise against using media-server for this.
I will update this thread once the new implementation is ready for testing and will be happy to assist you with it if needed.

Hi Jess

Hope you are well. We have a Kaltura CE server setup on AWS.

We were just going to integrate wowza streaming engine with Kaltura for Live streaming however i have seen your last comments and wondered what is the timescale for the new implementation to be made available and would you recommend the we wait as opposed to deploying wowza streaming engine??

Will this new implementation also include DVR and Live to VOD functionality??
