Hello everyone, I am a classic user of the Kaltura platform available to me. To show a video outside the Kaltura platform I have the possibility to embed it with iframe. The code provided looks like this:
It is possible to set these attributes dynamically per embed code if that’s what you wish to accomplish but if you want all embeds using a given player [UI conf ID 23449533 in your case] to behave this way, it’s far easier to edit this player’s UI conf once so you won’t have to manually change the embed code every time.
This can easily be done via KMC->Studio->YOUR player but can also be done by making direct API calls.
In the studio, for auto play, check ‘Automatically play video on page load’ under ‘Basic Display’, for the progress bar colour, under ‘Look and Feel’, check ‘Custom styles’ and edit ’ Slider color’ and ‘Slider watched color’.
With regards to auto play in Chrome, please find a detailed description of Chrome’s current auto play policy here:
This policy became effective in April, 2018 and is, of course, not specific to the Kaltura player.
From that doc:
"Autoplay with sound is allowed if:
- User has interacted with the domain (click, tap, etc.).
- On desktop, the user’s Media Engagement Index threshold has been crossed, meaning the user has previously play video with sound.
- On mobile, the user has [added the site to their home screen].
Hello jess, thank you so much for the feedback. I don’t have access to studio but only to the iframe code. How can I change the desired parameters? Thank you very much.
I have the same problem two years later.
This post by AdreasBader
shows an example of controlling a kaltura player in an iframe using
Added to the URL in the iframe after the entry_id but I could not get it to work, even though I added all the same code in exactly the same order, nothing about the player changed.