How to cleanup in-progress tasks page?


I umounted the /opt/kaltura/web while it was transcoding, the status went to error, I deleted the entry in the kmc, but I see it in the in-progress tasks in the admin console, I click on the abort button but nothing happens.

I want to know if there is another way to clean up the in-progress tasks page, maybe directly in the database?

thank you.

Hi @aquileasfx1,

The jobs are kept in the batch_job_sep table.
Each record has a status column. The optional values are the numeric values for these constants [see /opt/kaltura/app/batch/client/KalturaEnums.php]:

class KalturaBatchJobStatus extends KalturaEnumBase
        const PENDING = 0; 
        const QUEUED = 1; 
        const PROCESSING = 2; 
        const PROCESSED = 3; 
        const MOVEFILE = 4; 
        const FINISHED = 5; 
        const FAILED = 6; 
        const ABORTED = 7; 
        const ALMOST_DONE = 8; 
        const RETRY = 9; 
        const FATAL = 10;
        const DONT_PROCESS = 11;
        const FINISHED_PARTIALLY = 12;

I imagine, in your case, these jobs currently have the status column set to 2. You can update these records.
As always, I recommend backing the table up before making changes to it.

this is what I needed, thank you very much as always!
