Has anyone being able to integrate KalturaCE with LiveAnalytics

I have downloaded and installed the LiveStreaming Front end v2.6 app into my kaltura CE 13.1.0

From the Forum, I am aware that liveAnalytics is not integrated to Kaltura CE yet. But from our past experience, We have been able to deploy kaltura CE options with some reverse engineering and try and error techniques.

I have been searching for any clues to integrate LiveAnalytics with Kaltura CE but have found nothing.

I wonder if any of my fellow forum users have successfully installed LiveAnalytics with KalturaCE. Any hints in the proper direction will be highly appreciated.

Best regards

Felipe Borrero
Operations Director
Calipso Comunicaciones S.A.

Hi @felipe.borrero,

The Live Analytics packages are available in the CE RPM repo [no packages for deb at the moment].
However, it is important to clearly state that we do not provide official support for them with CE.
You can certainly try to install them if you wish and if you have questions, feel free to ask.

Note that Live Analytics requires IP2Location DB5, which is not free, so you will also need to purchase that from http://www.ip2location.com and then input your IP2location credentials when prompted by the configuration script.

To deploy the live analytics mechanism, you’ll need a dedicated node running RHEL/CentOS. On that node, install the kaltura-live-analytics package, which will trigger the installation of the Cassandra, Tomcat, Nginx and Spark packages, all required deps for the mechanism to work, and the kaltura-postinst package.

Once done, run /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-live-analytics-config.sh and input the relevant values.

Next, on the KMC node[s], install the kaltura-live-analytics-front package which will deploy https://github.com/kaltura/live-analytics-front-end and make it available from the KMC navigation bar.
If, after deploying it, you do not see that tab in KMC, please clear your browser’s cache.

It is also worth mentioning that we’re currently working on a new analytics mechanism that will make the current one obsolete but we cannot commit to an ETA for it at this time.

Hello Jess,

I know that this module is not formally supported but a little help will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

We managed to install and configure all modules on a separate server .

The live analytics frontend is also installed on our main kaltura server and we see it through the kmc.

However, we haven’t figured out how this two nodes speak to each other. I know that kaltura is collecting the live events buy we haven’t found any definitions that bond both services.

If you can give us a hint, it will be great.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Hi @david.eusse,

On your API/front nodes, you need to edit /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/local.ini and set live_stats_host and live_stats_host_https to point to the node where you installed the kaltura-live-analytics package, the player makes requests to the Nginx there with the event info. These requests then go into the Nginx access log which is then processed by /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura_register_log.sh called from /etc/cron.d/kaltura_live_stats.
The live-analytics-driver.jar, which is controlled by the live-analytics-driver service handles it from there.

Next, in order for kaltura-live-analytics-front to work, you need to edit /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/local.ini and set live_analytics_web_service_url to point to the Tomcat URL, like so:


Hope this helps,

Thank you !!

You have been more than helpful !!



Hi Jess,

It worked !!

Apart from the normal Java esoteric config/behaviour, it works fine !!

Thank you,


Hi David,

Glad to hear it:)