Feature Matrix?


I am trying to put together a feature list for Kaltura CE vs Kaltura On-Prem vs Kaltura SaaS. We have been using CE for some time now and it serves our needs and we’re able to manage it without an issue. However, I’d like to get some data together around this topic and I can’t seem to find something that compares them straight away. It might be there and I’m just missing it.

I don’t see that there are actual feature differences.

Rather, it comes down to support and the ability to use widgets. With CE you can use open source widgets, not commercial widgets. Support for CE is totally on the organization where as On-Prem and SaaS include support from Kaltura.

What other differences are there from your perspective? Does development of CE follow the commercial offerings in terms of functionality and features?

Hello @david.hahn1,

All Kaltura Core repos [ https://github.com/kaltura/platform-install-packages, https://github.com/kaltura/server, https://github.com/kaltura/mwembed, https://github.com/kaltura/nginx-vod-module, https://github.com/kaltura/kmcng, etc ] are licensed under AGPLv3 and indeed, the same exact code is used across CE, OnPrem and the Kaltura SaaS.

However, Kaltura also has proprietary products that run on top of this stack, for example, Kaltura MediaSpace, which is showcased here: http://portal.mediaspace.kaltura.com. Kaltura MediaSpace also includes a component called KAF [Kaltura Application Framework] which is used for integrations against various CMSes and LMSes [Drupal, Moodle, BlackBoard, etc].
Another such example is Kaltura Webcasting.

If you wish to utilise these products, you will need to choose between OnPrem and SaaS.
With OnPrem, the platform is hosted on your own servers [same as CE] but the deployment, customisations and upgrade/maintenance work is done by our Professional Services team.
With SaaS, as expected, you make use of Kaltura Servers hosted in our own server farm [of course, we also utilise several CDN providers] and the platform maintenance, upgrades and monitoring is done by our dedicated production team.

Both OnPrem and SaaS offer different official support plans you can choose from [for more info on that, please contact our sales team], for CE, support is provided by means of this forum and the “Issues” section in each GitHub repo.

I hope this helps clarify things, do let me know should you have additional questions.

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Hey @jess,

Thank you for the reply! This helps quite a bit. I think this is all I need for now but I will reply if I have further questions along these lines.

Thanks again,

Hi Dave,

Most welcome && happy videoing,

Hey @david.hahn1! I actually was looking to put together a comparison of CE vs On-Prem vs Saas. If you’ve created this matrix / comparison I’d be eternally grateful if you were willing to share it with me! Please let me know :slight_smile:

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