Error: Media not found

On the URL below, certain users/browsers are able to view the video without issue, but others receive an error message after clicking play, which reads: “Error: Media not found”

This doesn’t seem to be linked to a specific browser (i.e., certain people on Chrome see it, certain don’t, etc.)

Any ideas on how to resolve this are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Since you’re using our SaaS, I recommend you open a support ticket.

That said, my first guess is that you have a geo restriction [or another access control restriction] enabled for this entry and so, people from some locations cannot see it.
You can check that by going to KMC->Content. Click on your entry name and go to “Access Control” on the left pane to see whether a specific profile was applied or not.
To see the profile definitions you can go to KMC->Settings->Access Control

Thank you, Jess. I’ll give that a try.