Is it possible to customise the text & message shown incase of “Entry in process”, so that we can show a slightly better message or may be show the thumbnail of the video?
The “Strings” plugin was designed for that.
For simple overrides:
For localizations:
For this specific use-case, seems that you can change the error message by setting the “ks-ENTRY_CONVERTING” string.
Not sure… what is the error in my config, it looks as below… but I still see the old / default error message itself on the player.
Can we get any demo link, with these customised strings in?
targetId: trgtId,
wid: _${Config.kalturaPartnerId}
uiconf_id: Config.kalturaUiconfId,
entry_id: this.props.entryId,
flashvars: {
ks: kalturaSession,
disableAlerts: true,
autoPlay: true,
IframeCustomPluginCss1: ‘/css/triber-player.css’,
localizationCode: ‘en’,
strings: {
en: {
“ks-ENTRY_CONVERTING_TITLE”: “Your video is converting”,
“ks-ENTRY_CONVERTING”: “We are processing your video, please try again in a few minutes”
params: {
wmode: ‘transparent’,
If you go here:
When you mouse hover on the small play button for example, you’ll get a tooltip with “Reproducir clip” because of:
“localizationCode”: ‘es’,
“mwe-embedplayer-play_clip”: “Reproducir clip”,
"localizationCode": 'es',
"mwe-embedplayer-play_clip": "Click to play",
"mwe-embedplayer-pause_clip": "Click to pause",
"mwe-embedplayer-player_fullscreen": "Enter full screen"
"mwe-embedplayer-play_clip": "Reproducir clip",
"mwe-embedplayer-pause_clip": "Pausar clip",
"mwe-embedplayer-player_fullscreen": "Pantalla completa"
The full embed code is available via the “Customize”->“Embed” tab.
I’d start by checking that the use of “mwe-embedplayer-play_clip” for instance, works for you as well, since it’s easier to debug as it does not require the entry to be in converting status. If that works and ks-ENTRY_CONVERTING_TITLE does not, let’s try to put a debug print in /opt/kaltura/web/html5/html5lib/$YOUR_PLAYER_VERSION/modules/KalturaSupport/EntryResult.php
and see what the $playerConfig looks like. The block in question is:
if (!isset($playerConfig['plugins']['strings']['ks-ENTRY_CONVERTING'])) {
$this->error = 'No source video was found - Entry in process';
return array();
@jess … not sure, if its an issue with me or others too. At the sample link given by you… I don’t see any customised tool tip coming (in fact, nothing is coming). Attempting to use the same JSON structure as recommended … still don’t see the custom entry in process message.
Appreciate… if you can send me any working sample?
@jess … after sending earlier reply, I do see the “Click to play” thing… on the play icon in bottom bar, was expecting on the large play icon in middle.
BUT … can we get an example of “ks-” customisation thing, that still seem evasive & not seen it working on my codepen or actual source code.
After further looking into it, the ks-ENTRY_CONVERTING key does not support localisation at the moment, as opposed to say mwe-embedplayer-play_clip, which does.
Therefore, you JSON should look like this:
flashvars: {
"strings": {
"ks-ENTRY_CONVERTING": "Your desired string here",
And “Your desired string here” will be displayed instead of the default “No source video was found - Entry in process”, regardless of the value of localizationCode.
@jess … NO LUCK, giving as mentioned above, just ends up showing a “black” rectangle… no error message at all.
Also… attaching the source code, last attempt to check, if this can be solved. We are using thumbEmbed & also… have “disableAlerts” turned on? could that be clashing?
@bhaskara_kempaiah, disableAlerts set to true means all alert boxes will not display. If you want to see that message, you need to remove it.
Here is a minimal embed that works:
targetId: "<kaltura_player_id>",
wid: "_<partnerId>",
uiconf_id: "<uiconfId>",
entry_id: "<entryId>",
flashvars: {
"strings": {
"ks-ENTRY_CONVERTING": "Some string for converting message"
Thanks… this works, I thought for me to override the “freePreviewEnded” message… had to put the “disableAlerts” thing… not it’s solved.
OK, glad to hear we’re good.