Hello @jess, I’ve keep working on this, but im still struggling with trying to play the videos from the cloudFront CDN as an applehttp streamer type.
Im using Kaltura 13.4, and I was trying to follow the instructions from here:
Also taking into account that my version has a different way to configure the delivery profiles and associate them to the storage profile, but I think that I have that covered.
The thing is that while working without a remote storage, by default Kaltura creates the following link:
http://mmtmd.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/p/101/sp/10100/playManifest/entryId/0_rbe21nux/flavorIds/0_eaf8jxg8,0_2j2qqvc7,0_ot4aolds, 0_21q0wx78/format/applehttp/protocol/http/a.m3u8
As you can see the format is applehttp and the protocol is http, this ends providing a manifest like this:
Now when adding the remote storage with the delivery profiles on the CloudFront CDN I was hable to get the same manifest:
So, everything is as expected… but the think is that the CDN cannot resolve the file name with the addition of “/index.m3u8”, then my hsl player is just downloading a list of files that in this case can be reproduced on my computer, and the hlslayer.net is not able to resolve the files with that suffix.
Is there any missing configuration that I need to add or change in order to avoid the index part?
Thanks in advance again @jess, and my apologies for being so annoying with my questions