Kaltura CE 10.13.0 released - DWH Trouble

Hi Jess,

I got Mysql version 5.5.44

root@kaltest:~# dpkg -l | grep mysql
ii libdbd-mysql-perl 4.025-1 amd64 Perl5 database interface to the MySQL database
ii libmysqlclient18:amd64 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 amd64 MySQL database client library
ii mysql-client-5.5 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 amd64 MySQL database client binaries
ii mysql-client-core-5.5 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 amd64 MySQL database core client binaries
ii mysql-common 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 all MySQL database common files, e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf
ii mysql-server 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 all MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version)
ii mysql-server-5.5 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 amd64 MySQL database server binaries and system database setup
ii mysql-server-core-5.5 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 amd64 MySQL database server binaries
ii php5-mysql 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.11 amd64 MySQL module for php5

Thanks for your help
I keep you informed


can you please:

  • Check the value of ExportPath variable in /opt/kaltura/dwh/.kettle/kettle.properties (and check that kaltura user has
    permissions on this directory)
  • Send the output for this query:
    SELECT c.process_id, process_name
    FROM kalturadw_ds.cycles c LEFT JOIN kalturadw_ds.processes p
    ON c.process_id = p.id
    GROUP BY c.process_id


Hi Jess,

  • ExportPath = @TMP_DIR@/
    root@kaltest:/opt# grep -r 'TMP_DIR' give me:
    It’s the only file where TMP_DIR is declared.
    I change the owner of /tmp from root to kaltura.

I run the script and I got the same error.


 SELECT c.process_id, process_name FROM kalturadw_ds.cycles c LEFT JOIN kalturadw_ds.processes p ON c.process_id = p.id GROUP BY c.process_id LIMIT 0 , 30;
| process_id | process_name |
|          1 | events       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

For information, I came back to the version before my update because I got error on permission. KMC was unavailable.


Hi Mathieu,

Please edit the file and change @TMP_DIR@ to ‘/opt/kaltura/tmp/’ and retry.
This token should have been replaced during the config phase of the run of /var/lib/dpkg/info/kaltura-base.postinst around line 351 [depending on the version you have installed].

Hi Jess,

Wonderfull, it works without error.
I keep you inform if all the analytics display well

Thanks for all


Great. Please do. Note that you can play some entry right now [not from KMC though, embed code should do] and then rerun all the scripts to test. In general, stats will be updated daily unless you force it by running manually.

Hi Jess,

I have to more read the documentation about analytics include in player.
I keep you inform


Hi Jess,

I read the documentation without success.
I have no error anymore in logs but in Analytics tab:

  • Content Report >> Top Content: display no graph

  • Content Report >> Content Drop-off : display no graph

  • Content Report >> Content Interactions: display no graph

  • Content Report >> Content Contributions: display graph without problem

  • Users & Community reports >> Top Contributors: display graph without problem

  • Users & Community reports >> Geographics Distribution: display no graph
    etc …

I don’t know what I forget to do.
My Embeded player seems to be right configured.

All is working fine except these analytics.

Have you got an idea ?




I’m going to try this issue:

I’ll keep you informed


Hello Mathieu,

Can you please ensure /opt/kaltura/web/logs/$HOSTNAME-kaltura_apache_access.log-*gz files exist and contain entries similar to:

If so, next step would be to ensure these were processed and exist in:
mysql> select * from kalturadw_ds.files where insert_time >=%Y%m%d;

Please look at:

And see if it helps, if you see one of the steps has failed, please let me know which and we can take it from there.


Hi Jess,

The logs exist with right contains.
I just notice a trouble with owner.

root@kaltest:/opt/kaltura/web# ll | grep logs
drwxr-xr-x  2 root     root    4096 juil. 30 14:01 logs/


root@kaltest:/opt/kaltura/web/logs# ll
total 1956
drwxr-xr-x 2 root    root       4096 juil. 30 14:01 ./
drwxrwxr-x 8 root    root       4096 juil. 20 12:17 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kaltura www-data 240183 juil. 20 18:11 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150720-18.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kaltura www-data 166612 juil. 21 06:56 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150721-06.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kaltura www-data 336765 juil. 22 06:48 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150722-06.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root     395022 juil. 23 06:37 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150723-06.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root     229677 juil. 24 06:28 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150724-06.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root     107840 juil. 25 06:30 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150725-06.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root        523 juil. 26 06:44 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150726-06.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root        545 juil. 27 06:00 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150727-06.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root       2702 juil. 27 12:24 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150727-14.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root      20763 juil. 28 13:48 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150728-13.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root      11909 juil. 28 14:28 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150728-14.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root      48557 juil. 28 15:53 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150728-15.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root     158665 juil. 29 06:50 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150729-06.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root     156947 juil. 29 23:08 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150729-23.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root      82508 juil. 30 06:32 kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150730-06.gz

For SQL:

mysql> select * from kalturadw_ds.locks;
| lock_id | lock_name        | lock_time           | lock_state |
|       1 | daily_lock       | 2015-07-29 23:09:42 |          0 |
|       2 | retention_lock   | 2015-07-29 23:09:52 |          0 |
|       3 | hourly_kaltest   | 2015-07-29 23:09:26 |          0 |
|       4 | update_dims_lock | 2015-07-29 23:09:35 |          0 |

mysql> select * from kalturadw_ds.files where insert_time >='%Y%m%d';
| file_id | file_name                                     | file_status | prev_status | insert_time         | run_time | transfer_time | lines | err_lines | file_size_kb | process_id | cycle_id | compression_suffix | subdir |
|       1 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150720-18 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          234 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|       2 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150721-06 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          162 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|       3 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150722-06 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          328 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|       4 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150723-06 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          385 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|       5 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150724-06 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          224 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|       6 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150725-06 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          105 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|       7 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150726-06 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |            0 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|       8 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150727-06 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |            0 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|       9 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150727-14 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-27 14:50:24 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |            2 |          1 |        1 | gz                 |        |
|      10 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150728-13 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-28 13:48:17 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |           20 |          1 |        2 | gz                 |        |
|      11 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150728-14 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-28 14:28:48 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |           11 |          1 |        3 | gz                 |        |
|      12 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150728-15 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-28 15:53:37 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |           47 |          1 |        4 | gz                 |        |
|      13 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150729-06 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-29 23:09:14 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          154 |          1 |        5 | gz                 |        |
|      14 | kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150729-23 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2015-07-29 23:09:14 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          153 |          1 |        5 | gz                 |        |
14 rows in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from kalturadw.dwh_fact_events where event_date_id >="%Y%m%d";
Empty set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

I try to change the owner or I follow the analytics issues ? : Drop the current DWH DBs and Reinstall and config DWH.



Change the owner of files and directory provide the same thing …no graph

Hi Mathieu,

Ownership is fine, the process only needs read permissions [and exec to enter the dir] and it has these.
Do you see actual collect requests in the access logs?

Hi Jess,

Sorry but I don’t understand your last question ?
What do you mean exactly ?



I mean, open the files under /opt/kaltura/web/logs/kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-* and make sure you actually see calls for ‘//api_v3/index.php?service=stats&action=collect’ if you do not, then no analytics calls were made by the player/…


Like this ?:

kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150725-06.gz: - - [24/Jul/2015:09:02:22 +0200] "GET //api_v3/index.php?service=stats&action=collect&kalsig=cd0c21970aa1558c015ab8cf1a96bee3&event%3AcurrentPoint=0&event%3AentryId=0%5Ffm3olxzr&event%3AeventTimestamp=1437721349135&event%3AeventType=2&event%3Areferrer=http%253A%2F%2Fkaltest%2Euniv%2Damu%2Efr%2Findex%2Ephp%2Fextwidget%2Fpreview%2Fpartner%5Fid%2F100%2Fuiconf%5Fid%2F23448135%2Fentry%5Fid%2F0%5Fuciw10ky%2Fembed%2Fdynamic%253F%2526flashvars%255BstreamerType%255D%253Dauto&clientTag=kdp%3Av3%2E9%2E9%2Ccache%5Fst%3A1437721777&event%3Aduration=0&event%3AobjectType=KalturaStatsEvent&event%3AsessionId=5E33A7FF%2DC7D4%2DB819%2DA67C%2DBED7A2B2068A&ignoreNull=1&event%3AfeatureType=1&ks=MDRiZWI1NGQ4OTdjZjVhMGI5YmQyOTc5NjEzOGIzM2FkOTZmNzQ5MXwxMDA7MTAwOzE0Mzc4MDcyNzk7MDsxNDM3NzIwODc5LjQzNDc7MDt2aWV3Oiosd2lkZ2V0OjE7Ow%3D%3D&apiVersion=3%2E1%2E5&event%3AclientVer=3%2E0%3Av3%2E9%2E9&event%3AuiconfId=23448135&partnerId=100&event%3ApartnerId=100&event%3Aseek=true&event%3AisFirstInSession=false HTTP/1.1" 200 7 0/384 "http://kaltest.univ-amu.fr/index.php/kwidget/wid/_100/uiconf_id/23448135/entry_id/0_uciw10ky/cache_st/1437721777" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0" "-" "-" "kaltest.univ-amu.fr"
kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150725-06.gz: - - [24/Jul/2015:09:02:23 +0200] "GET //api_v3/index.php?service=stats&action=collect&kalsig=1264eaeace60125121ec99fbc1a8f381&event%3AcurrentPoint=0&event%3AentryId=0%5Ffm3olxzr&event%3AeventTimestamp=1437721349720&event%3AeventType=3&event%3Areferrer=http%253A%2F%2Fkaltest%2Euniv%2Damu%2Efr%2Findex%2Ephp%2Fextwidget%2Fpreview%2Fpartner%5Fid%2F100%2Fuiconf%5Fid%2F23448135%2Fentry%5Fid%2F0%5Fuciw10ky%2Fembed%2Fdynamic%253F%2526flashvars%255BstreamerType%255D%253Dauto&clientTag=kdp%3Av3%2E9%2E9%2Ccache%5Fst%3A1437721777&event%3Aduration=0&event%3AobjectType=KalturaStatsEvent&event%3AsessionId=5E33A7FF%2DC7D4%2DB819%2DA67C%2DBED7A2B2068A&ignoreNull=1&event%3AfeatureType=1&ks=MDRiZWI1NGQ4OTdjZjVhMGI5YmQyOTc5NjEzOGIzM2FkOTZmNzQ5MXwxMDA7MTAwOzE0Mzc4MDcyNzk7MDsxNDM3NzIwODc5LjQzNDc7MDt2aWV3Oiosd2lkZ2V0OjE7Ow%3D%3D&apiVersion=3%2E1%2E5&event%3AclientVer=3%2E0%3Av3%2E9%2E9&event%3AuiconfId=23448135&partnerId=100&event%3ApartnerId=100&event%3Aseek=true&event%3AisFirstInSession=false HTTP/1.1" 200 7 0/265 "http://kaltest.univ-amu.fr/index.php/kwidget/wid/_100/uiconf_id/23448135/entry_id/0_uciw10ky/cache_st/1437721777" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0" "-" "-" "kaltest.univ-amu.fr"
kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150728-13.gz: - - [27/Jul/2015:15:37:14 +0200] "GET //api_v3/index.php?service=stats&action=collect&kalsig=90e0b3e4a2986da3fe0d53ac7dc9885c&ks=YTk1OGViOTMxOTczYjA0ZDk2ZTVmNzNmMjJhZWUwM2Y3YWFkY2MwZXwxMDA7MTAwOzE0MzgwODc5MDQ7MjsxNDM4MDAxNTA0LjIxNzI7bWF0aGlldS5tb2xpbmVyaXNAdW5pdi1hbXUuZnI7ZGlzYWJsZWVudGl0bGVtZW50Ozs%3D&event%3AisFirstInSession=false&event%3AobjectType=KalturaStatsEvent&apiVersion=3%2E1%2E5&event%3ApartnerId=100&event%3Areferrer=http%253A%2F%2Fkaltest%2Euniv%2Damu%2Efr%2Findex%2Ephp%2Fkmc%2Fkmc4%2523content%257Cmanage&event%3Aduration=0&partnerId=100&event%3AclientVer=3%2E0%3Av3%2E9%2E9&event%3AuiconfId=23448134&event%3AentryId=0%5Fuciw10ky&event%3AeventType=1&ignoreNull=1&event%3Aseek=false&event%3AcurrentPoint=0&event%3AeventTimestamp=1438004241494&clientTag=kdp%3Av3%2E9%2E9%2Ccache%5Fst%3A1438005133&event%3AsessionId=F5A3F50B%2DDC2D%2DE8CE%2D1B3D%2DCFBB46711802 HTTP/1.1" 200 7 0/1009 "http://kaltest.univ-amu.fr/index.php/kmc/kmc4" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.107 Safari/537.36" "-" "-" "kaltest.univ-amu.fr"
kaltest-kaltura_apache_access.log-20150728-13.gz: - - [27/Jul/2015:15:37:14 +0200] "GET //api_v3/index.php?service=stats&action=collect&kalsig=2411d5151d2f98f6de06cb152244af59&ks=YTk1OGViOTMxOTczYjA0ZDk2ZTVmNzNmMjJhZWUwM2Y3YWFkY2MwZXwxMDA7MTAwOzE0MzgwODc5MDQ7MjsxNDM4MDAxNTA0LjIxNzI7bWF0aGlldS5tb2xpbmVyaXNAdW5pdi1hbXUuZnI7ZGlzYWJsZWVudGl0bGVtZW50Ozs%3D&event%3AisFirstInSession=false&event%3AobjectType=KalturaStatsEvent&apiVersion=3%2E1%2E5&event%3ApartnerId=100&event%3Areferrer=http%253A%2F%2Fkaltest%2Euniv%2Damu%2Efr%2Findex%2Ephp%2Fkmc%2Fkmc4%2523content%257Cmanage&event%3Aduration=0&partnerId=100&event%3AclientVer=3%2E0%3Av3%2E9%2E9&event%3AuiconfId=23448134&event%3AentryId=0%5Fuciw10ky&event%3AeventType=2&ignoreNull=1&event%3Aseek=false&event%3AcurrentPoint=0&event%3AeventTimestamp=1438004241503&clientTag=kdp%3Av3%2E9%2E9%2Ccache%5Fst%3A1438005133&event%3AsessionId=F5A3F50B%2DDC2D%2DE8CE%2D1B3D%2DCFBB46711802 HTTP/1.1" 200 7 0/606 "http://kaltest.univ-amu.fr/index.php/kmc/kmc4" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.107 Safari/537.36" "-" "-" "kaltest.univ-amu.fr" 


Yes, this looks fine.
Can you try to play a file via an embed and then run /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-run-dwh.sh?
Then look for the string ‘ERROR’ in /opt/kaltura/dwh/logs and let me know what you see?

Here it is:

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011- 10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) : at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod.ScriptValuesMod.addValues(ScriptValuesMod.java:376)
log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011- 10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) : … 3 more
log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.2 7.10 by buildguy) : Unexpected error
log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.2 7.10 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.2 7.10 by buildguy) : Javascript error:
log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.2 7.10 by buildguy) : Could not apply the given format dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss on the string for 30/Jul/2015:15:54:39 : Format.parseObje ct(String) failed (script#14)
log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.2 7.10 by buildguy) :
log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.2 7.10 by buildguy) : at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod.ScriptValuesMod.addValues(ScriptValuesMod.java:457)


OK, this is progress:) Can you please paste the full error block from the log?

Yes it is;-)

etl_hourly-20150730-16.log:ERROR 30-07 16:38:55,804 -
Parse date time to DWH timezone - Unexpected error
etl_hourly-20150730-16.log:ERROR 30-07 16:38:55,806 - Parse date time to DWH
timezone - org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException: 

etl_hourly-20150730-16.log:ERROR 30-07 16:38:55,861 -
parse bandwidth lines - Unexpected error etl_hourly-20150730-16.log:ERROR 30-07
16:38:55,871 - parse bandwidth lines -

etl_hourly-20150730-16.log:ERROR 30-07 16:38:55,881 -
process file - Errors detected!

etl_hourly-20150730-16.log:ERROR 30-07 16:38:55,888 -
process file - Errors detected!

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) : Unexpected error

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) : Javascript error: 

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) : Could not apply the given format
dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss on the string for 30/Jul/2015:13:54:40 :
Format.parseObject(String) failed (script#7)

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) : 

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) : Caused by: org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException:
Could not apply the given format dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss on the string for
30/Jul/2015:13:54:40 : Format.parseObject(String) failed (script#7)

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - Parse date
time to DWH timezone.0 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from
2011-10-25 15.27.10 by buildguy) :       ...
3 more

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) : Unexpected error

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException: 

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) : Javascript error: 

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) : Could not apply the given format dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss
on the string for 30/Jul/2015:15:54:39 : Format.parseObject(String) failed

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.27.10
by buildguy) : 

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) : Caused by: org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException:
Could not apply the given format dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss on the string for
30/Jul/2015:15:54:39 : Format.parseObject(String) failed (script#14)

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse bandwidth
lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.27.10 by
buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          at

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - parse
bandwidth lines.1 - ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25
15.27.10 by buildguy) :          ... 3

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - process file
- ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.27.10 by
buildguy) : Errors detected!

log_events_events.log:2015/07/30 16:38:55 - process file
- ERROR (version 4.2.1-stable, build 15952 from 2011-10-25 15.27.10 by
buildguy) : Errors detected!