Issues with CE 9.19.8 after upgrade


I’m having two major issues after upgrading to 9.19.8.
First, full screen mode is not filling the whole screen when using a player with a playlist, there is a part that isn’t filled like if the space was reserved for the the playlist.
Second, subtitles don’t appear when embedding the code in the website while they appear when previewing before embed in the KMC. I noticed that it works when embedding using iframe, but not when using auto or dynamic embed.

Is this proper to my installation that became broken after the upgrade or do even fresh 9.19.8 experience the same thing?


I did some investigation and noticed that div.videoHolder style height is wrong, and that’s why it isn’t filling the screen.
When I change it to height : 100% the video filled the whole screen as it should.
But I couldn’t find where to fix it. I meddled with kalturaIframeClass.php but I got no results.

Here’s the Output I have taken from my front end website:
<div class=“videoHolder” style=“height: 261px;”>

<video class="persistentNativePlayer nativeEmbedPlayerPid" id="pid_kaltura_player_1417806094" kentryid="0_odyqbf43" kuiconfid="23448212" kwidgetid="_102" kpartnerid="102" data-playererror="No Entry ID was found" data-blockplayerdisplay="true" preload="auto" width="728" height="410" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;" src=";referrer=aHR0cDovL2JhY2tlbmQxLmZsb21pbmEuY29t&amp;clientTag=html5:v2.22&amp;uiConfId=23448212"></video><div class="mwEmbedPlayer" id="kaltura_player_1417806094" style="" data-blockplayerdisplay=""></div>

Ok, I solved it. So in case anyone faced that issue.
edit file /opt/kaltura/web/html5/html5lib/v2.22/modules/KalturaSupport/resources/mw.KBaseMediaList.js

and change the line:
$( “.videoHolder” ).css( “height”, this.$mediaListContainer.height() - playlistHeight - $( “.controlBarContainer” ).height() + “px” );

$( “.videoHolder” ).css( “height”, “100%” );