HTTPS with 80 port requested


Old ssl certificate expired and install new ssl. But i cannot play video because of the url is requested https with 80 port like below

kWidget: Kaltura HTML5 Version: 2.22
:80/p/103/sp/10300/serveFlavor/entryId/0_2dx1u704/v/2/flavorId/0_32xbxglg/name/a.mp4:1 GET https://DOMAIN:80/p/103/sp/10300/serveFlavor/entryId/0_2dx1u704/v/2/flavorId/0_32xbxglg/name/a.mp4 net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED

I tried many times with serviceURL = https://domain:443
no help.


That would come from the DB.
Take a look at:
mysql> select * from delivery_profile\G
and update all records that include “:80”, just omit ‘:80’ altogether and you should be fine, assuming you also rerun the configure scripts and provided the correct service URL.

It is working now. I updated :80 ports with https://DOMAIN to delivery_profile table like you mentioned. Thank you.