I have a Problem with the HTML5 Player.
I use Kaltura Video Platform - Community Edition 12.3.0 in a cluster but only with Apache (no nginx/VOD).
In our TestSystem the Html5 Player work like a charm.
In our LiveSystem the HTML5 Player tries to use HLS and try to use the VOD server.(That not exist)
Uou can set disableHLSOnjs to true in the player’s UI vars and it will play progressive HTTP instead but I wouldn’t recommend it.
Any specific reason why you don’t want to use Nginx with the vod module?
Are you sure it’s not due to caching? try to create a new player adding this var and see if that works. Also, what player version are we talking about?
Please provide a test URL and also, the output for:
select * from delivery_profile where partner_id in ($YOUR_PARTNER,0)\G
While masking tokens, if you’re using any.