DNS hostname cannot match TLD against known list


We have setup Kaltura CE with a .video domain. But now we are unable to setup KMC users using this domainname. We get the error: ‘domain.video appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list’

How can we resolve this?


Hi Frans,

I am not sure I understand. Please explain exactly what actions you’re taking and where you see the error.

Update: after modifying hostname.php by adding ‘video’ to the list of TLD’s we are able to create an accont for this domain. But when using KMC we are unable to login the flash console; we get ‘The domein in your emailaddress is incorrectly formatted’. Please help!


NOTE: i have replaced my actual domainname with ‘domain’


So, the piece of code in question belongs to ZF and is here:

What is does is check that the email entered is of a valid domain. domain.video is indeed, an invalid domain.
In order for things to work correctly, you should enter valid email address that comply with the RFC.

Any reason why you are using an invalid domain? or is this just a stub? can you share the actual input you’re trying to use when logging in?

Hello Jess,

Invalid domain? For the Zend-framework maybe but certainly not an invalid domain as we use this domain for stream access to caltura. our server is reachable through https://mobiledisplays.video

I have modified the file you mention and i have created a user but KMC is unable to see the domain as valid.


Hi Frans,

The version of ZF we bundle is somewhat old and it is possible a newer version has a fix for it, we’ll look into it.
As for KMC, I will check with the relevant developer and get back to you.

Thank you for reporting it,

Hello Jess,

Thanks. Please ask the developer of the KMC to redirect logins to the relevant protocol when logging in. We have created a new user with a known TLD. using HTTPS://mobiledisplays.video/kmc, after login, the user is redirected to HTTP://mobiledisplays.video/index.php/kmc/kmc2 which is not working as we have configured Kaltura to use HTTPS.




This is a different issue:) you can force HTTPs login by going to admin console->partners->relevant partner row, and click on configure, then check ‘Force KMC HTTPS’ and save. Should fix it.

Thx Jess, that is working perfectly. I have another issue but will open a new topic to keep things clean.

As per the regex validating the email - just to update, I have checked with the relevant developer and we are currently using the default email validator provided by Flex.
This is where the error comes from:

We will look into changing that.

Thanks for reporting it,

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