Categories not shown on KMC after upgrade


I upgraded from Kaltura 11.x to Kaltura 12.3 and noticed that some categories I had previously created don’t list on KMC.

They are still present because I can’t create a new one with the old name.

Do I have to proceed with a Sphinx reindex ?

Thanks in advance for any help,

David Eusse

Hi David,

Please check the kaltura.category table and make sure the categories are there and the status is 2, assuming this is so, yes, run /opt/kaltura/bin/

Hi Jess,

I ran and all categories were back again.

Thanks very much,


Hi David,

Great, glad we’re good. BTW, I just released 12.4.0 as stable. If memory serves, you were interested in using Nginx’s RTMP module for live streaming. This is now possible.
For more info, please see: